vt /تاوان دادن، خسارت دادن/ indemnify : to reimburse a loss that someone has suffered because of another’s act or default ● make reparation(s) for ● requite (for injuries, damages, or expenses incurred) : to make suitable return to for a benefit or service or for an injury ● make return to (for an injury) ● atone : supply satisfaction for; expiate (almost رد مظالم دادن ) ● redress : (more properly جبران كردن، چاره كردن، رفع كردن) : a. to set right; remedy b. to make up for; compensate ● compensate : to make an appropriate and usually counterbalancing payment to ● compensate someone for his / her losses; make compensation( ● pay in damages ● countervail
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